Every Summer the Library Department works in collaboration with teachers and administrators to compile a summer reading list for the entire Wheeler Community. Wheeler is a reading community and it is important that members of the community continue to read and foster a love of reading over the summer.
For students in grades Nursery through one, the suggested summer reading is to prevent summer learning loss. Students who continue to read and exercise their brain over the summer months have a greater chance of maintaining things learned during the school year. These students come back ready to take on challenges in the fall.
For students in grades two through twelve, summer reading supports and exposes students to themes and topics they will cover in the Fall. For example third grade students are required to read a book about whales over the summer because in the fall students will participate in a major unit about whaling. The required text allows the students to come to class with some background knowledge about whales. Other summer reading texts support social studies, English, history and more.
Additionally faculty and staff participate in summer reading that support professional development. Faculty and staff come back in the fall to discuss highlights, take aways and ideas for curriculum implementation.
Here is the link to access Summer Reading 2018.
Summer Reading 2018